Posts filed under: Uncategorized

Painting Sir Ragnar

Ah Sir Ragnar . . . When I was growing up I imagined what he looked like during the second quest. We even had an action figure stand in for... Read More

How to Fix Those Warped Minis

How to fix warped minis is a skill that all gamers should learn. The recent release of Hero Quest was nothing short of nostalgia drenched awesomeness. What was not so... Read More

Painting the Abomination

The abomination replaced the fimir in the 2021 Version of Hero Quest. Their artwork is very grey and monotone and I was envisioning something more exotic when coming up with... Read More

Painting the Mummy

The Hero Quest Mummy is a fairly simple mini to paint. With just a prime and 3 colors, they were tabletop ready. Colors For the colors on the mummy I... Read More

Painting the Elf

Painting the Elf was a bit of an experiment for me as I really was not thrilled with the colors chosen for the character in the artwork. So instead of... Read More

Painting the Gargoyle

The easiest Hero Quest miniature to paint and the best to start with if you are a beginner is the gargoyle. With just a quick prime and paint, I was... Read More

Painting the Dread Warrior

One of the easier Hero Quest miniatures to paint is the dread warrior. Their art work on the card is very one note and makes it simple to paint. I... Read More