The easiest Hero Quest miniature to paint and the best to start with if you are a beginner is the gargoyle. With just a quick prime and paint, I was able to have this bad boy out on the table and destroying all in its path in short order.
Gargoyle Colors
For the colors on the gargoyle I used the following:
- Primer – Grey Seer spray
- Paint for Mini – Citadel Contrast Gryph Charger Grey
- Mini Base – Vallejo Model Black
- Protective – Testos Dull Cote
Applying the paint is a dead simple process. Just make sure you allow for drying time between each step.
- Start by applying the grey seer spray over the whole mini. Nothing complicated here, just a nice complete prime of the mini.
- Once the mini is dry, paint the entire mini in the gryph charger grey. You want to be generous with the application to make sure the paint flows into the cracks. Once it dries, all those cracks will be darker, giving it that stone look.
- Base with vallejo black paint. This paint goes on best when watering it down and a little goes a long way! I find the best way to apply is to put a drop of paint on the paint pallet and just dip the tip of the brush lightly in water then pull a bit of paint from the pallet. That should give you enough to cover the base and if you need more just dip in water and pull paint from pallet again until base is complete.
- Once dry spray with dull cote for protection.

That’s it! It does not really get much easier than that. With a simple prime and a single coat of paint the gargoyle is tabletop ready!
I have also created a video of the gargoyle paint instructions.
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