The Mad King Ludwig has contracted you and 7 other architects to build castles for him. The catch (and probably one of the reasons why he is so crazy) is that you must work together with your neighboring architects to build the most appeasing castles for the king. Chocolate rooms next to armories? Check. All that training works up an appetite after all.

Between Two Castles Overview

Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a board game that combines elements of tile-laying and strategy, challenging players to construct castles collaboratively with their neighbors. The game is an interesting fusion of the popular games Between Two Cities and Castles of Mad King Ludwig, making it a unique addition to the world of tabletop gaming. The unique twist here is that a player does not work on a single castle but must work with the player on either side of them to build and optimize 2 castles.

In Between Two Castles, the primary objective of the game is to score as many points as possible by arranging rooms within your castles. Points are earned through various room types and their configurations. The player with the most points between the 2 castles they helped build at the end of the game wins. This unique win condition is where the game shines, as it forces players to think critically about the potential of each room and its synergy with their partner’s castle.

Between Two Castles Setup

Setting up Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a straightforward process. Take the starting throne room tiles and place one between each player around the table and place a color castle token underneath. Take the inserts with the standard castle tiles as well as the bonus tiles, cards, and attendants and set them in the center of the table for all to reach. And that’s it! The game comes with a wide variety of room tiles, each with different scoring conditions, which adds an element of unpredictability and strategic depth to each play through. But as far as set up goes, it does not get faster or simpler than that.

Set up of a game of Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig

Between Two Castles Gameplay

At the heart of the game is the selection and placement of room tiles. This is performed over 2 rounds. Each round, players receive a hand of 9 tiles, and they must choose 2 tiles from their hand and place it in each of the two castles they are collaborating on (one with each neighbor). When a player selects their 2 tiles, they keep them in front of them and pass the remaining tiles to the player on the left. The tiles are then revealed and players discuss with each of their partners how to best place one tile in each castle. Once both tiles are placed, players then take the stack of tiles that was passed to them and repeat the tile drafting and placement process until there is one tile remaining. That tile is put aside and players take a new set of 9 tiles and begin the second round. The key to winning is selecting tiles that maximize your points while considering your partner’s needs.

Each room tile has specific requirements and scoring for placement. These requirements are depicted on the room tile itself. They typically involve adjacency to certain types of rooms, or specific spatial configurations. Some tiles can only be placed beneath the castle while some are placed on or above the ground level. Some may score based on rooms they are surrounded by or rooms of a certain type that are above the placed room. In addition to placement there are bonuses for the amount of types of tiles placed. This often results in drawing a bonus card or tile as well as royal attendant for end game scoring.

Once both rounds are complete the scores for each castle are calculated and the player with the best combined score between their 2 castles is the winner.

Between Two Castles Impressions


As to be expected of any Stonemaier game, components are above average. Tiles are thick and everything is well organized. When taking your 9 tiles you need to do no more than reach into one of the tile wells and take the whole stack from the organizer. The way the game is laid out and organized not only contributes to the fast set up but also helps keep the playtime snappy as well. The rule book is fairly well laid out and explains each tile in detail as well as the bonuses you receive. Once people understand the rules, there are nice player aids that help remind you of those placement and scoring rules.


Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig provides a fun and engaging experience, particularly for players who enjoy tile-laying and strategic decision-making. The core mechanic of collaborating with your neighbors to build castles creates a compelling and dynamic experience. The strategy lies in balancing the two castles while working together with your partners. The game does begin to become a point salad as there are so many options for scoring, but I look at that as a good thing as you always have a sense of accomplishment when placing tiles as there are just so many scoring opportunities. It may take a bit to understand all the icons and scoring/placing rules for each tile, there is certainly a lot to understand there and that may be a bit of a draw back for new players. Thankfully, the game does play fairly quick and it is not uncommon to get 2 games in during a single sitting.

I do think this game can have a bit of alpha gamer happening. If there is a strong player they may heavily influence the decisions for their 2 partners and affect their experience when it comes to making placement decisions. I can also see this game being a bit prone to AP and maximizing every tile placement. I did have that experience with a player taking quite some time to talk out placing our tiles in the castle.

One surprising aspect of Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is that it tends to be enjoyed by my kids. The game’s visual appeal and the creative nature of castle-building can captivate the imaginations of younger players. Having silly combinations of rooms sitting next to each other always makes them giggle and what kid does not want a chocolate room in their house. The collaborative element can foster teamwork and cooperation, making it a solid choice for family game nights.

Final Verdict

3 Star Board Game Rating

Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig is a game that sits squarely in the middle of the board game spectrum. Its unique approach to castle-building and collaboration is commendable, but it may not suit everyone’s tastes. The game’s complexity and reliance on teamwork may deter some players, but for families and those who enjoy strategic tile-laying, it can offer a satisfying and enjoyable experience. While it’s not a game-changing masterpiece, it’s certainly a game that can provide fun and entertainment on game night.

Stonemaier Games was gracious enough to provide a copy of this game in exchange for an honest review.